- Customer number
- Date the bill was mailed
- Payment due date
- Amount due if paid by due date
- Amount due if paid after due date
- Service Address
- Property Number
- Summary of previous month’s service with us
- Service period – the time period for which this bill was calculated
- Current months usage by service type
- Detail of charges by utility type and sales tax
- Important messages, reminders or offers
- Utility meter numbers for this account
- Number of days in the billing cycle
- Up to 13 months of the previous history of electric and gas service.
Electric Production Cost Adjustment (PCA)
All electric rates are subject to a Production Cost Adjustment (PCA). The rates include a Production Cost Base of $.0333/kWh. Whenever the monthly Production Cost exceeds or is less than, the Base Cost, a Production Cost Adjustment may be included in the billing charges. Production costs shall include all costs of purchased power and energy and all fuels and lube oil consumed by the local generation or other related costs directly attributed to local generation. There may also be an adjustment for losses upon the previous year’s sales and production data.
Natural Gas Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA)
Purchased and produced gas costs shall be calculated for each month, summer and winter seasons, or as otherwise deemed appropriate by Nebraska City Utilities, to reflect changes in the cost of gas above the Base Cost. For these purposes, the “Cost of Gas” shall mean the total variable cost, including all variable transportation, commodity, fuel and other supply and storage related charges. The Base Gas Supply Cost for the tariffs presently in effect is $6.00 per Mcf.