What services does Nebraska City Utilities provide?
Natural Gas
Sanitary Sewer Treatment
What communities are served by Nebraska City Utilities?
Electric Transmission and Distribution Service to:
Nebraska City
Electric Wholesale Sales to Municipalities:
Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Service to:
Nebraska City
Water Transmission and Distribution Service in:
Nebraska City
Wastewater Treatment:
Nebraska City
What are Nebraska City Utilities hours?
Business hours are 8:00 am till 4:00 pm Monday through Friday, however we are staffed 24 hours a day to provide emergency dispatch of personnel if needed by our customers. Please call (402) 873-3353 day or night to reach Nebraska City Utilities personnel.
How do I get service connected and put into my name?
Call our service department at (402) 873-3353
Stop by our office at 100 Central Avenue in Nebraska City, Nebraska.
E-mail: service@nebraskacityutilities.com
Use our online form to receive an application by mail.
How soon can I get service connected in my name?
Usually Nebraska City Utilities can get service connected the same day it’s requested. If we are contacted in the morning we can usually accommodate your request. If possible, please contact us a day or so ahead of time. This will help us schedule our work more efficiently and helps us to accommodate all our customers’ needs.
How much will it cost to have service put in my name?
The cost to connect service is $20.00 for service in Nebraska
City, $25.00 for service outside of Nebraska City. There is no cost to disconnect service when you request service to end.
Is a deposit required?
Please see Customer Payment Plans
Bill overview
- Account Number
- Date the bill was mailed
- Bill notes (ex. Paid by bank, Budget, Past Due Balance, etc…)
- Amount due if paid by due date
- Payment due date
- Amount due if paid after due date
- Summary of service history up to 13 months w/ a temperature line for our service area
- Utility description name and meter number/s
- Service period – the time period for which this bill was calculated.
- Number of days and usage total by service
- Charge by service
- Service Address and Amount due for the service address
- Messages and announcements
Your account number and any meter number will be needed to register to use our new customer log-in
Electric Production Cost Adjustment (PCA)
All electric rates are subject to a Production Cost Adjustment (PCA). The rates include a Production Cost Base of $.0333/kWh. Whenever the monthly Production Cost exceeds or is less than, the Base Cost, a Production Cost Adjustment may be included in the billing charges. Production costs shall include all costs of purchased power and energy and all fuels and lube oil consumed by the local generation or other related costs directly attributed to local generation. There may also be an adjustment for losses upon the previous year’s sales and production data.
Natural Gas Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA)
Purchased and produced gas costs shall be calculated for each month, summer and winter seasons, or as otherwise deemed appropriate by Nebraska City Utilities, to reflect changes in the cost of gas above the Base Cost. For these purposes, the “Cost of Gas” shall mean the total variable cost, including all variable transportation, commodity, fuel and other supply and storage related charges. The Base Gas Supply Cost for the tariffs presently in effect is $6.00 per Mcf.
When will I get my bill?
Nebraska City Utilities has three (3) billing cycles. Bills mailed on the 4th are due the 17th, bills mailed on the 14th are due the 27th and bills mailed on the 24th are due the 7th. Please contact our business office at (402) 873-3353 and we will determine which cycle you are in. (Due dates are determined by where you live.)
Where can I pay my bill?
Payments can be made free of charge, 24/7 through our web site as well as through our automated phone system 1-833-250-4481. You will need to have your customer number available when using either of these 2 options. Payments can be made at our business office at 100 Central Avenue, Nebraska City, Nebraska during business hours 8 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday. After hours at our drop box (checked every business day), located at our business office. Payments can also be made at many of the banks in our service area (for a list of banks please call our business office 402-873-3353) or by mail. We also have automatic bank payment available. Please see Payment Plan for more information.
Who reads my meter(s)?
Nebraska City Utilities personnel read all meters every month, provided access is made available to the meter(s). If we are unable to read a meter(s) we will leave a card for the customer to read the meter and either call in the reading or mail in the card with the reading. If a card is left but is not returned or called in, an estimate of the usage will be used for the next billing.
Does Nebraska City Utilities perform service work on furnaces?
Nebraska City Utilities will check for gas leaks or carbon monoxide leaks at no charge. Most other work would need to be done by a private service provider of the customer’s choice.
Why do I get charged a basic charge on services if I am gone and have not used any usage?
There is a minimum basic service charge for electric, water, sewer and gas. The minimum is determined by the type of services (residential, commercial, etc.). Residential sewer charges shall be based on the water consumed during the preceding consecutive months of December, January, and February. The average usage of those months will be the basic charge for the rest of the billing periods till the next year. Commercial sewer charges shall be based on the water consumed during the billing months.
What is Radon and should I be worried about it? Does Nebraska City Utilities Supply Radon Kits?
For more information about Radon go to the Nebraska Radon Program Homepage
We do not offer Radon test kits, however, you can get a one from The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. Radon Test Kits
Does Nebraska City Utilities sell light bulbs?
Yes, we have a variety of bulbs stop by our sales department or call our office at 402-873-3353 and ask to speak with Sharon Smulling or Sharon Crunk.
What rebates do you offer?
We currently have rebates for:
Who do I call for assistance with paying my bills?
If you need to make a payment arrangement you may contact our business office M – F 8 to 4 pm and ask to speak with an office manager. If you need financial assistance you may contact one of Energy Assistance Agencies.
For additional information on assistance click the link below
Who do I call to have utility lines ( ex: power, water, gas, phone, etc.) located before digging?
Do you locate private lines?
NO! We are only responsible for locating our utility lines, (lines we maintain and are responsible for)
When you contact or call 811 they will notify the utility company and/or companies that have lines in your work zone to be marked before you dig. Please be aware that utility companies are only responsible for marking the lines they are responsible for or maintain. You or the owner of any/all the private lines are responsible for determining the location of those lines. Nebraska 811 has a list of companies that locate private lines. We have included the link to their list, however, Nebraska City Utilities does not recommend, endorse, or in any way guarantee the services of the companies listed in the directory.
This directory is intended to fill the need created by the fact that utilities only mark the lines they own and maintain. They are not required to mark any private lines, such as:
- Sprinkler systems
- Lines going to fire pits or BBQs
- External buildings after the meter
- Pool heaters
- Etc.
What do the colored flags mean in my yard?
Utility Flag and Markings
Have you probably noticed small flags of various colors placed in the grass around town, in your yard or in your neighborhood? Sometimes the grass or ground is also marked with paint. So what does this mean?
It means someone is planning to do some digging in the area and they have called 811 to check the area for underground utilities such as water, sewer, gas, phone, electricity, etc… Then the area is marked with a flag or paint to indicate what utility is underground. If someone digs up a line, it could be detrimental, therefore it is required you call 811 before you dig.
The American Public Works Association (APWA) has color-coded all utilities so it’s easy for those in the industry to immediately identify what utility is running where.
Here’s a key to the flags’ colors:
If flags are in your yard, please do not remove them, they may have a logo and/or the name of the utility that has placed it there. If you question why an area has been marked you can call them to inquire about their placement. Please remember they have been placed there for safety purposes, please leave them where they are.