Fall Energy Saving Tips

Fall is upon us and I don’t know about you but it is my favorite time of the year.  From the cooler temperatures, beautiful colors of the leaves, Halloween activities to time spent with family at Thanksgiving, it’s the season which brings people together.  Now is the time to prepare your home to ensure you stay warm while still saving energy for the fall.  


Regulating the temperature in your home is important.    

To save 10 percent on your heating cost, the Department of Energy suggests turning back your thermostat 10 to 15 degrees when you’re not at home, and to set it as low as comfortable when you are home.  Your heating system will have less work to do if you set your temperature to 68 degrees while at home, resulting in lower energy consumption.


Check for cracks, leaks and drafts.  

Before it gets too cold, check all your doors and windows for drafts that could keep your heater running overtime. If your front or back door has space between it and the floor, add weather stripping to the bottom. This will prevent excess heat from escaping and could keep your heater from running up your energy bill.



Let light and heat from windows inside.   

Making sure heat doesn’t escape from your windows is important, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of the sun heating up your home. Before you go to work, open your blinds or curtains for south-facing windows. When you get home, don’t forget to close them to lock in the free heat. In areas where your home doesn’t get much sun, especially in areas shaded from trees, keep your curtains and blinds closed.


Replace your filter.   

Replacing your filters monthly or as recommended by your manufacturer can prevent it from clogging up from excess dust, which can put a strain on your heating system.



 Reverse the spin of ceiling fans.

Your ceiling fans can easily keep you cool in the summer, but they can also help keep you warm in the fall and winter.









Additional things to consider:

  •  Do you have a window a/c unit or units? To help keep the cold out and the heat in, remove window air conditioners for the fall/winter. If the air conditioners cannot be removed, make sure to seal them with tape or caulking, and cover them with an airtight, insulated jacket.
  • Do you have a fireplace? Now is a good time to check vent systems and clean chimneys, an open flue will allow heat to escape and let a cold draft in.
  •  Adding a humidifier to your home can help you keep your thermostat at lower temperatures while still ensuring optimal comfort.
  •  Be sure all your heating vents are clear of rugs and wall hangings.   Some homes have heat vents in the floor, if this is the case it is very important they are not covered, to prevent a fires and to ensure proper air flow.