I am purchasing the home at the address listed above. I am going to move in week of the 11th. I would like to set up an account to have power and water turned on when I move in.

Inspección de la línea de servicio de plomo

Después de revisar la siguiente información, complete el siguiente formulario para completar la encuesta.

Inspección de la línea de servicio de plomo

¿Sigue existiendo el material original de la línea de servicio?(Required)

Lead service line survey

After reviewing the following information, please fill out the form below to complete the survey.

Lead Service Line Survey

Is the original Service Line material still present?(Required)

Annual Water Quality Report

Quality on Tap:

This report is intended to provide you with important information about your drinking water and the efforts made to provide safe drinking water. For more information regarding this report, contact the Nebraska City Utilities at (402) 873-3353. If you would like to observe the decision-making processes that affect drinking water quality, please attend the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Public Works of Nebraska City, Nebraska.

Continue reading “Annual Water Quality Report”

Utility Flags & Markings

You have probably noticed small flags of various colors placed in the grass around town, in your yard or in your neighborhood? Sometimes the grass or ground is also marked with paint.  So what does this mean?

It means someone is planning to do some digging in the area and they have called 811 to check the area for underground utilities such as water, sewer, gas, phone, electricity, etc… Then the area is marked with a flag or paint to indicate what utility is underground.  If someone digs up a line, it could be detrimental, therefore it is required you call 811 before you dig.

Continue reading “Utility Flags & Markings”

Water Programs

Backflow and Cross Connection Program

The Nebraska City Utilities backflow and cross connection program was started in 1994 to ensure that our drinking water is protected from possible contamination.  Our focus has been on identifying and isolating possible sources of contamination and pollution.  To do this we have sent out surveys to all of our customers, both residential and commercial, to help us locate possible problems.

Continue reading “Water Programs”