Information Archives

Weather Repair Outages

We are aware of much of the damage to the Nebraska City Utilities’ electrical system caused by the record breaking storm activity that happened yesterday afternoon.

We performed many temporary repairs to ensure that we could get power to as many customers as possible yesterday evening.

Currently, we are in the process of making the needed permanent repairs. During which some of our customers will experience some limited power outages which are necessary so we can safely perform this repair work. We will do our best to notify affected customers of any outages that we plan in their area.

We appreciate and thank you for your ongoing patience as we carry out these repairs.

Please call if you have any questions, comments, or concerns at 402-873-3353 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year). You may also reach us through our website at: and

Annual Water Quality Report

Quality on Tap:

This report is intended to provide you with important information about your drinking water and the efforts made to provide safe drinking water. For more information regarding this report, contact the Nebraska City Utilities at (402) 873-3353. If you would like to observe the decision-making processes that affect drinking water quality, please attend the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Public Works of Nebraska City, Nebraska.

Continue reading “Annual Water Quality Report”


Good Morning NCU customers

Regarding the storm last night, let us start by saying we hope everyone is safe and okay.

Multiple communities were affected by tree damage. NCU does not assisted with storm related tree removal/clean up on personal property. If our main power poles and lines are affected, we do take care of that responsibility. From the main lines to a home/building you are asked to contact and electrician and/or a tree trimming company

Power Outage 07/18/2024

NCU would like to follow up with our customers about the power outage yesterday. There was a truck hauling something south of Bennet that was over height requirements and struck a wire pulling it down. We want to apologize to all our customers that were affect. We want to thank all our customers for being so kind and understanding while we worked to restore power. We are thankful our crews are so fast at responding and were able to get the job repaired.

Nebraska City Utilities has an opening for a Meter Reader

Job Description and application are list under Job Openings at the bottom of our website

Inspección de la línea de servicio de plomo

Después de revisar la siguiente información, complete el siguiente formulario para completar la encuesta.

Inspección de la línea de servicio de plomo

¿Sigue existiendo el material original de la línea de servicio?(Required)


Dear Customers,

NCU has a new payment system. When Clicking on PAY MY BILL a new window will open and PSN will appear. Do not be alarmed this is our new system. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office at 402-873-3353

Lead service line survey

After reviewing the following information, please fill out the form below to complete the survey.

Lead Service Line Survey

Is the original Service Line material still present?(Required)